The 3 Key Challenges in making your Organization Platform-ready

Combining the unbundling of capabilities, innovation portfolio management, and entrepreneurial organization models.

Boundaryless Team

June 18, 2021

As a matter of fact, contemporary organizations — most likely evolved in the industrial age and now facing the shift to the platform age — are now confronted with plenty of challenges. One of the most important of those challenges is certainly the need to reduce organizational and technological debt and the overall elimination of the distance between the inside and the outside of the organization itself, as keeping these imaginary boundaries — in the face of plummeting transactions cost and technological pervasivity — make now little, and even less, sense.

  1. Long Tails, Niche players that interact around customized products and services;


The Example of Shopify


The need to map the outside trends with the organizing models

The promises

Entrepreneurial Re-bundling

The Figure above is an extract from our course on the 3EO / EEEO inspired by Rendanheyi — Haier’s revolutionary entrepreneurial organization development model. You can now attend our masterclass as a Self-Paced facilitated process, check it out! — more info on Haier’s artifacts here: Converging towards a Common Protocol of Organizing.

Strategic coherence through a portfolio lens

Boundaryless Team

June 18, 2021